


Whey2Value is an eco-innovative patent-pending technology, which uses waste whey as a substrate to produce natural vitamin B12 and purified / recycled water. The technology represents a truly unique opportunity to create a huge and disruptive impact on efficient and sustainable processing of the biggest waste product of the dairy industry.
The challenge: The dairy industry generates over 190 million tons of waste whey annually during the cheese manufacture, which presents a major economical and environmental challenge. Only limited economical solutions exist to process it. In particular the acid whey, a by-product of soft cheeses and curd production, the costs of its processing by currently available technologies are prohibitively high for smaller manufacturers, severely impacting their competitiveness on the markets.

Our solution

The Solution: ACIES BIO has developed an innovative and potentially disruptive high-value technology to convert acid waste whey by a unique microbial fermentation to convert waste whey into food-grade microbial biomass with high content of vitamin B12 and purified water at the same time. The vitamin B12-enriched microbial biomass is then used as a high-quality, protein-rich B12 feed additive, or as a base for isolation of pharmaceutical grade natural vitamin B12 for human consumption. It is a perfect example of a sustainable, zero-waste yet highly profitable circular economy to produce valuable products from waste.

Horizon 2020

About SME

Horizon 2020 funds high-potential innovation through a dedicated SME instrument, which offers seamless business innovation support. SME Instrument helps high-potential SMEs to develop groundbreaking innovative ideas for products, services or processes that are ready to face global market competition.

About Whey2Value

Whey2Value technology has received a grant from EU Horizon 2020 SME INST Phase 2 in 2015. The project started on 1 November 2015 and will last until 31 October 2017.
Project Title: Whey2Value: Valorising waste whey into high-value products
Project Number: 697958
Project Duration: 24 months
Project Start Date: 1 November 2015
Call: H2020 – SMEINST-2-2015
Topic: SC5-20-2015 Boosting the potential of small business for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials


Whey2Value Pitch at Arla Innovation Challenge

30. 11. 2019
Arla Foods, one of the world largest dairy companies, made reduction of food waste a focus theme of their recent Innovation Challenge.
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Acies Bio receives a grant SME INST from EU

15. 01. 2016
Whey2Value technology has been awarded a substantial grant from EU Horizon 2020 SME INST program. Acies Bio will set-up a prototype processing plant to launch production of organic vitamin B12 on...
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08. 10. 2016
As part of SME INST II program, a sustainable innovative solution for transforming waste whey into vitamin B12 is almost ready to go.
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Acies Bio sets-up new pilot plant

31. 10. 2016
As part of EU’s Horizon 2020 SME INSTRUMENT program, Acies Bio received a grant in 2015 to demonstrate zero-waste production of vitamin B12 with Whey2Value technology.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 697958.
